Adopted: November 2, 2023
Effective: January 1, 2024

For a printable PDF of the fee schedule, CLICK HERE.

Air Discharge Permit Applications
Annual Registration Fees for Nonroad Engines
Area Source Rules
Gasoline Facilities Registration
Gasoline Transport Tanker Registration
Nonroad Engines Permit Application
Operating Permit Fees
Outdoor Burning Permit Program / Requirements
Oxygenated Fuels
Per Capita Fees
Portable Sources from Other Washington Jurisdictions
Registration Requirements
SEPA Procedures
Small Unit Notification for Selected Source Categories
Standards for Asbestos Control, Demolition and Renovation

Table 1 - SWCAA 400-036 Portable Sources from Other Washington Jurisdictions

Fee CategoriesWork HoursFeeFee Applicability
Review FeeNA$735Per Application
Registration FeeNA$132Per Emission Unit

Table 2 - SWCAA 400-045 Permit Application for Nonroad Engines

Permit Application Fees. Before the Agency may review a permit application or issue a permit, the applicant shall submit all applicable fees as detailed in the following paragraphs and tables. Total Application Fee = Filing Fee + Permit Application Review Fee [Table A] + Additional Review Fee [Table B] (if applicable).

Filing Fee. A “Filing Fee,” as shown in the table below, shall be submitted for each permit application.

Additional Work Hours. An applicant may be invoiced for additional staff time at the rate specified for additional work hours if the required work hours exceed the number of work hours associated with the applicable fees.

Expedited Application Review. An applicant may request expedited processing of a permit application. The Agency shall, at its own discretion, determine if available permitting resources are sufficient to support expedited processing. If the application is accepted for expedited processing, the applicant must pay double the filing, review and additional work hour fees as shown in the table below. An expedited permit application will be processed as soon as possible and receives priority over non-expedited applications. However, the Agency will not guarantee an issue date for expedited permits since the development and issuance of a permit is highly dependent on the accuracy/completeness of the application and the responsiveness of the applicant.

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Filing FeeNA$735Per Application
TABLE A - Application Review Fees:
(i)Nonroad Engine (Aggregate hour sepower):
Less than 50010$1033Per Application
500 to less than 2,00014$1474Per Application
2,000 to less than 5,00021$2,209Per Application
5,000 to less than 10,00042$4,418Per Application
10,000 or more85$8,837Per Application
(ii) Minor Change to Existing Permit Conditions:
8$879Per Application
(iii) Expedited Applications:All fees are doubled
TABLE B - Additional Review Fees:
Additional Work HoursAs req’d.$102Per Work Hour

*If additional types of review, as identified in Table B, are required by the Agency as a result of the proposed installation, replacement or alteration, an additional review fee shall be paid as described in Table B. (Total Application Fee = Filing Fee + Application Review Fee [Table A] + Additional Review Fee [Table B]). If the staff time required exceeds the number of work hours associated with the applicable fee specified in Tables A and B, the applicant will be invoiced for each additional work hour at the rate specified for additional work hours.

Table 3 - SWCAA 400-046 Annual Registration Fees for Nonroad Engines

Fee CategoriesWork HoursFeeFee Applicability
Registration Fee Based on Engine Horsepower:
500 or lessNA$369Per Engine
more than 500NA$516Per Engine

Table 4 - SWCAA 400-072 Small Unit Notification for Selected Source Categories

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
SUN Processing FeeNA$369Per Piece of Equipment

Table 5 - SWCAA 400-074 Gasoline Transport Tanker Registration

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Registration FeeNA$74Per Transport Tank

Table 6 - SWCAA 400-099 Per Capita Fees

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Per Capita FeeNA$0.62Per Person Population

Table 7 - SWCAA 400-100 Registration Requirements

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Registration fees for “stationary sources” with potential to emit of 10 tons or more per year*:
Emission Unit FeeNA$132Per Emission Unit
Criteria Pollutant FeeNA$69Per Ton of Emissions
Toxic Pollutant FeeNA$37Per Ton of Emissions
Registration fees for “stationary sources” with potential to emit of less than 10 tons per year*:
Emission Unit FeeNA$148Per Emission Unit

Table 8 - SWCAA 400-103 Operating Permit Fees

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
ParticipationNA1/3 AOP Program BudgetEqual Share per Source
EmissionsNA1/3 AOP Program BudgetPro-Rata Emissions
ComplexityNA1/3 AOP Program BudgetPro-Rata EUs

Three part fee assessment methodology. Operating Permit Program fees shall be determined using a threepart fee assessment methodology as described below:

  1. Participation Fee. Fees sufficient to cover one-third of the Board-approved Operating Permit Program budget shall be assessed such that each “stationary source” shall pay an equal share. The total Operating Permit Program budget shall be divided by three. This amount shall be further divided by the number of 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources” within the Agency’s jurisdiction. Participation fees shall be equal in amount for each 40 CFR 70 source. The participation portion of the fee shall be assessed according to the following formula:

    PF = B÷3÷n, where;
    PF = Participation fee portion of total fee
    B = The total Agency budget for the Operating Permit Program
    n = The number of 40 CFR 70 sources

  2. Emissions Fee. Fees sufficient to cover one-third of the Operating Permit Program budget shall be assessed such that each “stationary source” shall pay an amount equal to that “stationary source’s” portion of the total annual emissions of the fee applicable pollutants from all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources” within the Agency’s jurisdiction. The ratio of each “stationary source’s” annual emissions (in tons) to the total annual emissions of fee applicable pollutants emitted by all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources” within the Agency’s jurisdiction shall be paid by the owner or operator of each “stationary source.” The emissions portion of the fee shall be assessed according to the following formula:

    EF = B÷3*SE÷TE, where:
    EF = Emissions fee portion of total fee
    B = The total Agency budget for the Operating Permit Program
    SE = The sum of annual emissions of fee applicable pollutants in tons per year from the individual 40 CFR 70 “stationary source” (not to exceed 7,500 tons per pollutant)
    TE = The sum of annual emissions of fee applicable pollutants in tons per year from all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources”

  3. Complexity Fee. Fees sufficient to cover one-third of the Operating Permit Program budget shall be assessed such that each 40 CFR 70 “stationary source” shall pay an amount equal to that “stationary source’s” portion of the total emission units at all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources” within the Agency’s jurisdiction. The ratio of each “stationary source’s” emission units to the total number of emission units located at all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources” within the Agency’s jurisdiction shall be paid by the owner or operator of each “stationary source.” The complexity portion of the fee shall be assessed according to the following formula:

    CF = B÷3*SU÷TU, where:
    CF = Complexity fee portion of total fee
    B = The total Agency budget for the Operating Permit Program
    SU = The number of emission units at a “stationary source”
    TU = The number of emission units at all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources”

  4. Total Fee. The amount of the annual assessed fees for each 40 CFR 70 “stationary source” shall be the sum of the participation, emissions and complexity fee portions (PF+EF+CF = Total Fee). The sum of the total fees for all 40 CFR 70 “stationary sources” within the Agency’s jurisdiction shall be equal in amount to the Board adopted budget for the Operating Permit Program.

Table 9 – SWCAA 400-109 Air Discharge Permit Applications

Permit Application Fees. Before the Agency may review a permit application or issue a permit, the applicant shall submit all applicable fees as detailed in the following paragraphs and tables. Total Application Fee = Filing Fee + Legal Notice Fee (if applicable) + Permit Application Review Fee [Table A] + Additional Review Fee [Table B] (if applicable) + Major NSR Review Fee [Table C] (if applicable).

Applicability Determination. If the owner or operator of a “new source” is unable to determine the applicability of this section, a formal determination may be requested from the Agency. A formal determination requires the submission of project related documentation sufficient for the Agency to identify affected emission units and quantify potential emissions, and the payment of the “Applicability Determination” fee as shown in the table below. This fee provides for up to 4 hours of staff time to review and/or consult with the owner or operator regarding the submitted documentation. If more than 4 hours of staff time are needed to make a determination, additional staff time will be invoiced to the owner or operator at the “Additional Work Hours” rate shown in the table below. The Agency will provide a written applicability determination to the owner or operator subsequent to reviewing the submitted documentation.

Filing Fee.A “Filing Fee,” as shown in the table below, shall be submitted for each permit application

Legal Notice Fee. . An applicant who submits an Air Discharge Permit (ADP) application that requires newspaper publication of a Legal Notice pursuant to SWCAA 400-171 will be invoiced for an additional fee.

The additional fee will be equal to the actual cost of publication plus the amount shown in the table below to compensate for one hour of staff time required to prepare, mail and invoice the public notice.

Additional Work Hours. An applicant may be invoiced for additional staff time at the rate specified for additional work hours if the required work hours exceed the number of work hours associated with the applicable fees.

Expedited Application Review.. An applicant may request expedited processing of a permit application. The Agency shall, at its own discretion, determine if available permitting resources are sufficient to support expedited processing. If the application is accepted for expedited processing, the applicant must pay double the filing, review and additional work hour fees as shown in the table below. An expedited permit application will be processed as soon as possible and receives priority over non-expedited applications. However, the Agency will not guarantee an issue date for expedited permits since the development and issuance of a permit is highly dependent on the accuracy/completeness of the application and the responsiveness of the applicant.

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Permit Application Fees:
Applicability4$439Per Application
Filing FeeNA$735Per Application
Legal Notice FeeNACost + $102Per Notice
Additional Work HoursAs req'd$102Per Work Hour
Expedited ReviewNAAll fees are doubledPer Application

Permit Application Review Fee.. A permit application review fee shall be paid for each permit application. The applicable permit application review fee for each permit application shall be determined from Table A based on the primary emission unit or activity of the proposed new, modified or altered “stationary source.” Permit application review fees based on emissions are to utilize actual or proposed allowable emissions, after controls, as supported by test data or emission factors, not potential to emit. Permit application review fees based on equipment capacity or size are to utilize the design capacities of affected equipment. If the staff time required to review a permit application exceeds the number of work hours associated with the applicable review fee specified in Table A, the applicant will be invoiced for each additional work hour at the Additional Work Hours rate.

Additional / Major New Source Review (NSR) Fees.If additional actions, as identified in Tables B and C, must be performed by the Agency as a result of the proposed installation, alteration or modification, the applicant shall pay additional fees as specified in those Tables. The fees identified in Tables B and C are cumulative. If the staff time required to complete the additional review exceeds the number of work hours associated with the applicable review fee specified in Tables B and C, the applicant will be invoiced for each additional work hour at the Additional Work Hours rate.

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
TABLE A – Permit Application Review Fees
(i) Fuel burning equipment (MMBtu/hr design):
0.4 to less than 58$879Per Review
5 to less than 1010$1033Per Review
10 to less than 30 12$1247Per Review
30 to less than 5014$1474Per Review
50 to less than 10017$1771Per Review
100 to less than 25035$3682Per Review
250 to less than 50057$5891Per Review
500 or more85$8837Per Review
Change in fuel typeHalf of above amount for same sizePer Review
(ii) Discharge from control equipment or uncontrolled process equipment (ACFM):
Less than 508$879Per Review
50 to Less than 5,00010$1033Per Review
5,000 to Less than 20,00011$1176Per Review
20,000 to Less than 50,00012$1330Per Review
50,000 to Less than 100,00013$1402Per Review
100,000 to Less than 250,00014$1474Per Review
250,000 to Less than 500,00028$2946Per Review
500,000 or more57$5891Per Review
(iii) Refuse burning equipment, incinerators (Tons/day capacity):
Less than 0.510$1033Per Review
0.5 to Less than 511$1176Per Review
5 to Less than 1214$1474Per Review
12 to Less than 5042$4418Per Review
50 or more85$8837Per Review
(iv) Storage tanks, reservoirs, or containers (Gallons - total capacity):
250 to Less than 10,0008$879Per Application
10,000 to Less than 40,00014$1474Per Application
40,000 to Less than 100,00021$2209Per Application
100,000 or more28$2946Per Application
(v) Gasoline dispensing facilities:
Stage I8$879Per Application
Stage II10$1033Per Application
Stages I & II Combined11$1176Per Application
Toxics Review21$2209Per Application
Stage II Removal8$879Per Application
(vi) Complex stationary source or modification:
85$8,837Per Application
(vii) Synthetic minor application (Including but not limited to Title V, HAP):
35$3,682Per Application
(viii) Particulate matter and fugitive emissions from rock crushing, material transfer and ship loading (Emissions – tons per year):
Less than or equal to 108$879Per Application
10 or more to 5014$1,474Per Application
50 or more to 10021$2,209Per Application
100 or more to 25035$3,682Per Application
250 or greater85$8,837Per Application
(ix) Minor modifications to existing permit conditions:
8$879Per Application
(x) Dry cleaner:
8$879Per Application
(xi) Internal combustion engines (Aggregate horsepower rating):
Less than 50010$1,033Per Application
500 to less than 2,00014$1,474Per Application
2,000 to less than 5,00021$2,209Per Application
5,000 to less than 10,00042$4,418Per Application
10,000 or more85$8,837Per Application
(xii) Crematory/small incinerators/small flares:
10$1,103Per Application
(xiii) Gluing/flow coating operations without active ventilation:
11$1,176Per Application
(xiv) Soil/groundwater remediation:
11$1,176Per Application
(xv) Composting facilities (Average material throughput - tons per day):
Less than 508$879Per Application
50 to less than 10014$1,474Per Application
100 to less than 20021$2,209Per Application
200 to less than 50042$4,418Per Application
500 or more85$8,837Per Application
(xvi) Coffee roasters:
10$1,103Per Application
(xvii) Municipal wastewater treatment plants: (Million gallons per day - annual average design):
More than 1 to less than 511$1,176Per Application
5 to less than 1021$2,209Per Application
10 or more35$3,682Per Application
(xviii) Administrative amendment**
4$411Per Application
(xix) Permit extension**
1st Extension5$513Per Application
2nd Extension10$1,027Per Application
(xx) Other (Not classified above) – sum of the following:
8$879Per Application
5 Tons or More of Emissions3$297Per Every 5 Tons
Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions3$297Per Ton
TABLE B – Additional Fees
(xxi) Emission offset analysis or bubble:
10$1,033Per Application
(xxii) Emission reduction credit (ERC) (Deposit or withdrawal):
10$1,033Per Application
(xxiii) Variance request:
10$1,033Per Request
(xxiv) Review of Ecology agreed orders and consent orders pursuant to RCW 70A.305.090(1):
As req'd.$102Per Work Hour
TABLE C – Major New Source Review (NSR) Fees
(xxv) Plantwide applicability limitations (PAL):
142$14,729Per Application

* If the staff time required exceeds the number of work hours associated with the applicable fee the applicant will be invoiced for each additional work hour at the rate specified for additional work hours.

** A filing fee is not required for administrative amendments or permit extensions.

Table 10 - SWCAA 425-060 Outdoor Burning Permit Program / Requirements

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Permit Fee:
Residential burningNA$0
Land clearing burningNA$147Per Permit
Storm debris burningNA$0
Flood debris burningNA$147Per Permit
Tumbleweed burningNA$0
Weed abatement firesNA$2.97Per Acre; $37 minimum
Firefighting instruction firesNA$37Per Permit
Rare and endangered plant regeneration firesNA$2.49Per Acre; $37 minimum
Indian ceremonial firesNA$0
Recreational firesNA$0

Table 11 - SWCAA 476-050 Standards for Asbestos Control, Demolition and Renovation

Asbestos Removal and Demolition advance Notification Period and Fees:

Fee CategoriesWaiting PeriodFeeFee Applicability
Owner occupied single family residence; occupant performed.Prior Notification$37Per Removal Notice
All other removal projects:
Less than 10 linear feet; and less than 48 square feet.None$0Per Removal Notice
10 to 259 linear feet; or 48 to 159 square feet10 days$147Per Removal Notice
260 to 999 linear feet; or 160 to 4,999 square feet.10 days$369Per Removal Notice
1,000 and more linear feet; or 5,000 and more square feet.10 days$735Per Removal Notice
Amendments to all projectsPrior Notification$37Per Amendment after 2
Annual notification10 days$735Per Removal Notice
Renovation with asbestos10 daysSame as normal asbestos fees
Renovation without asbestosNone$0No Notification
Demolition with asbestos10 Days
$74+Per Demolition Notice +
Normal Asbestos FeePer Removal Notice
Demolition without asbestos10 Days$74Per Demolition Notice
Temporary asbestos storage facility authorizationPrior Notification$74Per Application
EmergenciesPrior NotificationAll fees are doubledPer Request

Table 12 - SWCAA 491-030 Gasoline Facilities Registration

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Base FeeNA$248Per Facility
Gasoline Throughput FeeNA$0.13Per 1,000 Gallons

Table 13 - SWCAA 492 Oxygenated Fuels

Oxygenated Fuel Blender Registration Fees:

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Less than 100,000 gallons/monthNA$735Per Blender
100,000 to less than 1,000,000 gal/mo.NA$1,474Per Blender
1,000,000 to less than 15,000,000 gal/mo.NA$14,729Per Blender
Greater than 15,000,000 gal/mo.NA$36,940Per Blender

Table 14 - SWCAA 493 Area Source Rules

Variance Application Fees for Regulated Product Groups:

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
Consumer ProductsNA$1,176Per Application
Aerosol CoatingsNA$1,176Per Application
Automobile Refinish CoatingsNA$1,176Per Application

Table 15 - SWCAA 802 SEPA Procedures

Fee CategoriesWork Hours*FeeFee Applicability
SEPA Threshold Determination Fee:
Minor Project14$1,474Per Determination
Major Project35$3,682Per Determination
Additional work hoursAs req'd.$102Per Work Hour
EIS fee (prepared or reviewed by SWCAA):As req'd.$102Per Work Hour
Publice Notice fee:
NA SWCAA may collect a reasonable fee to reimburse for newspaper notice, meeting room, and related direct costs, plus one work hour at the following rate:
1 $102/hour
Per Notice

* If the staff time required exceeds the number of work hours associated with the applicable fee the applicant will be invoiced for each additional work hour at the rate specified for additional work hours.